Monday 26 April 2010

First Aid courses

If you are interested in a first aid course specifically designed for parents about treating children and babies, please read on.

The course lasts approximately 5 hours e.g. 10am - 3pm and costs approximately £15-£20 per person and will take place in Beeston. The course requires a certain number of people to break even, so unless the place can be re-sold, the fee paid will be non-refundable.

You need to tell us which day of the week is best for you:


Mums and dads can come along (remember, the charge is per person, not per family) and you can bring your baby whilst you learn. You'll also need to bring something for lunch.

For more information please drop an email to Heather c/o the Long Eaton Bumps and Babies group

Thursday 1 April 2010

Long Eaton New Babies!

We had an influx of new mums this morning to Bumps and Babies. I was expecting Danielle and Wren but we had two other completely new faces - Anoushka with her baby and Julia with 2-week-old Arlin.

We were also joined by Fran & Nigel with 6-day-old Finlay, and Nora with Danny. We now have lots of very young babies which is lovely as our older ones are moving on to other activities and some of the mums are going back to work.

If you're looking for somewhere to go with your baby, please come and join us every Thursday morning at St John's Church Hall, on the corner of Canal Street and College Street in Long Eaton. A warm welcome awaits you (and you can help yourself to as many cups of tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits as you wish!); [original article]