Wednesday 15 December 2010

Last B&B session of 2010

Tomorrow, Thursday 16 December, will be our last session of 2010. We will be joined by Baby Sensory who will be demonstrating one of their classes, and children from The Elms Junior School who will be singing a few Christmas carols.

The Elms Nursery will be our new home for Bumps and Babies from Friday 14 January. The times of meetings will be changing - we will start at 9.30am and finish at 11.30am. We will be welcoming everyone from Bumps to Toddlers but please note this isn't a group at which you can just drop your toddler and go - a parent or carer will need to stay with the child.

Our Thursday group may be continuing but only if we can find some people to help run either the baby group or the new group. It isn't a huge commitment - I'll continue to take all the phone calls, and ensure all the coffee, tea and biscuits are topped up. We just need a few people who are happy to be responsible for welcoming new parents to the group and introducing them to others with similar-aged babies.

If you could help, please call me on 07711 956779.

Many thanks

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