Sunday 10 July 2011

GOOD NEWS - Long Eaton Fridays UPDATE

The Elms Friday group will continue over the summer with the exception of the first two weeks of August unless someone would like to volunteer to host for those weeks.

Hosting requires you to make new members welcome and bring some milk along! Not too onerous really :-)

We're looking forward to seeing you during the hopefully warm summer months.

Any queries please call/text me on 07711 956779.


Thursday 7 July 2011

IMPORTANT NEWS about The Elms Friday Group

We have been informed by The Elms that building work will be taking place in the Nursery over the summer. At the moment we have been unable to determine how long we will need to close the group for.

Please watch this space for more information, and pass along to anyone you know who comes to the group and may not be receiving this message through Facebook/bog/twitter

Many thanks

Sue ; [original article]

Thursday 23 June 2011

Long Eaton Bumps, Babies and Beyond (Friday)

Weather permitting, it is The Elms Sports Day tomorrow which means there will be lots of parents parked on the campus; they will be parked from when they drop their children off at 8.30am.

This will make it slightly more difficult to park and you may need to park on Derby Road and walk onto the campus.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Bumps, Babies and Beyond (LE Fridays)

Saturday 18 June 2011

What's on in Long Eaton?

A dad who came to Bumps, Babies and Beyond at The Elms this week asked if we had a listing of all the local groups suitable for him and his daughter to attend. We haven't, although I've been meaning to do one for a while.

There are our Thursday and Friday NCT groups, we know about them but mostly the information about other groups is passed on by the parents as they sit and talk.

If you attend a group in Long Eaton, or you run, one, please let us know about it. We'll compile a "diary" and then we can let people know about it. You can post the information on this thread on our Facebook page or email details to

Please include:

- day
- time
- venue
- contact details (phone/email)
- very brief description if it isn't obvious
- whether you run term-time only or throughout the year

Many thanks

Sue Woollett
NCT Antenatal Teacher and BB&B Host, Long Eaton

Friday 27 May 2011

Cancelled next week - Long Eaton (Friday) Bumps, Babies & Beyond

Next week the Friday NCT Bumps, Babies and Beyond will be closed. We try to stay open during school holidays if possible but it depends if there is someone available to take responsibility for the group and the Nursery.

Parents who would normally attend the Friday group are more than welcome to attend our Thursday group instead, at St John's Church Hall, corner of Canal Street and College Street, Long Eaton, NG10 4GA. The group starts at 10am and next week, on Thursday 2 June, Sticky Fingers Pottery Painting will be there, giving you the chance to make unique Fathers' Day gifts by having your child's footprint put onto various items of pottery.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend - let's hope we get some sunshine!

; [original article]

Friday 6 May 2011

Long Eaton B&B @ The Elms this morning

Bumps, Babies and Beyond is on as usual at The Elms Nursery this morning.

See you there!

Sue; [original article]

Friday 8 April 2011

Thursday 31 March 2011

Elms Nursery Easter Fun Day

The Elms Nursery where we hold our friday Bumps, Babies and Beyond group, is having an Easter Fun morning this Saturday, 2 April 10.30am to 12noon. They will be offering various activites for young children. If you'd like to go along, please contact Mrs Patricia Robinson; [original article] For more information about Bumps and Babies groups in Long Eaton - we have two, catering for children aged bump to 3 years, please contact Kay or me by email. -- Sue Nottingham NCT

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Long Eaton B&B - come and meet us at Asda on Wed 30 March

Kay, host of Long Eaton Bumps & Babies will be at Asda in Long Eaton tomorrow from 10am until 2pm to talk to local parents about the Bumps and Babies group at St John's Church Hall.

Please come along and say hello, and if you're a regular attendee of the LEB&B group, I'm sure Kay would welcome any help you can give her spreading the word about the group (I'll be there for a while).

See you there

Branch co-ordinator,
NCT Nottingham; [original article]

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Long Eaton Groups both open this week

It's business as usual for both of our Long Eaton groups this week.

Bumps and Babies - Thursday 10am to 12noon - at St John's Church Hall, at the corner of College Street and Canal Street. This groups is for babies up to approximately 12 months old

Bumps, Babies and Beyond - Friday 9.30am to 11.30am - at The Elms Nursery, Trent College, Derby Road. This group is also suitable for toddlers and is proving particularly popular with "second timers".

We look forward to seeing you.

; [original article]

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Bumps and Babies at St John's, Long Eaton, is back!

From Thursday 10 February, Bumps and Babies at St John's Church Hall is back, thanks to several volunteers coming forward to help run it.

The group will meet from 10am to 12noon every Thursday, as it did last year, and will cater for those with bumps and babies up to approximately 12 months.

Parents are also welcome to attend the group on Fridays at The Elms Nursery, Trent College, which welcomes bumps, babies and toddlers.

Both groups ask for a £2 donation to help cover the costs of running the group and offer unlimited supplies of tea, coffee, squash and biscuits.

For more information please call Sue on 07711 956779.

[original article]

Friday 14 January 2011

Long Eaton B&B @ The Elms this morning

We're looking forward to seeing you in our new venue this morning.

Some parking is available on the campus - please go straight ahead down the main drive when you enter the campus, turn left and then right into the car park under the trees.

You will be able to see the nursery fence which is brightly coloured. There is a buggy-friendly path alongside the field. Make your way down and I'll see you there.

Sue; [original article]